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Training Schedule

Pre-Registration Required for all Classes
Our Next Session Starts the week , May 12, 2025
Registration for May classes will open April 1, 2025
View the complete 2025 session schedule

Orlando Dog Training Club's training classes are open to both ODTC members and non-members.  Many classes listed have pre-requisite classes that must be completed prior to taking that class.   Please check the course descriptions to see which classes must be taken before moving to the more advanced classes.  If you are a first time ODTC student, you will need to sign up for Puppy Pre-K Socialization, Puppy Level I or Beginner).  ​Some of our more advanced classes have a waiting list and so may not be available for registration.


All ODTC classes require pre-registration.  After submitting your registration application on-line, you'll receive an email confirming your enrollment in the class and providing a link to pay your class registrations fee.  Classes are first come, first served and payment is necessary to hold your space in a class.  For puppy classes, please select the class for the age that your dog will be when the class starts.​

You are welcome to visit our training classes (without your dog) on any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening when classes are in session. 


Click on any class name below to learn more about each class.​  If you have questions about which class is right for your dog or about your registration, please email us!

Please note all class registration fees must be paid in full prior to the first day of class to hold your space.

New to ODTC?  Start here!

Puppy PreK
Puppy Level I


Puppy Pre-K Socialization 

4 week session - 1/2 hour class- Wednesday at 6:15-6:45
8 weeks to 16 weeks (exceptions for tiny puppies under 6 months)


During this critical stage in your puppy’s life it is essential that they are exposed to a variety of
experiences including different sounds, meeting lots of different people, and socializing with other
puppies of all different sizes and behaviors. For some puppies, missing this “window of opportunity”
can lead to a life of anxiety and fear. As well, this is the time that the human becomes the “leader” and
guides the puppy.  If your puppy is not socialized before his/her final vaccination
they will miss this critical period in their life. Puppy Pre-K provides this opportunity but in a safe
environment.  We will cover biting, potty training, crate training, handling and learn come basic commands

Your puppy should be suitably fitted with a collar and lead/  Please bring a towel or mat
for them to sit on. Please  also bring your puppy’s current vaccination record. Rabies is Not required for puppies under 6 months.


Class runs four weeks with 30 minute sessions

Price  Non-Members: $52/Members: $41.50(+ PayPal fee)

Registration for Puppy Pre-K Socialization will open on April 1st


Puppy Level 1

Available class times:

Tuesday @ 7 pm: Puppies 16 weeks to 9 months

Wednesday @ 5:00 pm: Puppies 8 weeks to 9 months

Wednesday @ 7:00 pm:  Puppies 8 weeks to 16 weeks 


Play and learn with positive reinforcement training.  Puppy training includes safe socialization with people and other dogs, how to address puppy biting, house training, crating, handling and chewing.  Basic commands (sit/down/stand) will be taught along with attention games, walking on a leash, coming when called, leave it games.

Class orientation the first week without dogs.  Students must bring a copy of vaccines to orientation to show to the instructor.   Rabies not required on puppies under six months of age.

Class runs 8 weeks (1 class a week for 8 weeks)

Price Non-Members: $165/Members: $132 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for Puppy Level I will open on April 1st

Puppy Level 2 

Available class times: Tuesday @ 5:30 pm | Tuesday @ 8:15 pm | Wednesday @ 8:15 pm.     

For puppies 16 weeks to 12 months of age who have completed Puppy Level I  

(Exceptions approved by ODTC training director & instructor only.)

Price Non-Members: $165/Members: $132 (includes PayPal fee)

This class will help teach your adolescent puppy to be calm and attentive as they continue to learn and improve on basic commands with the addition of loose leash walking finding heel position on pot, impulse control games, stay in position, leave it/drop it/get it games, unexcitable polite greetings with people and other dogs, “place” games and recall games. 

Students must bring a copy of vaccines to orientation to show to the instructor.   Rabies not required on puppies under six months of age. Graduates will receive an AKC Star Puppy Program  certificate and can order a Star Puppy medallion from AKC.

No orientation session:  Puppies & dogs come to class first night. 

Class runs 8 weeks (1 class a week for 8 weeks)  

Price Non-Members: $165/Members: $132 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for Puppy Level II will open on April 1st

Beginner (9 months & up)

Available class times: Tuesday @ 7 pm | Wednesday @ 1 pm | Thursday 7:00 pm  


This class offers all the skills needed for the family dog; walking on a loose lead, coming when called, greeting guests politely, sitting politely to be petted, running to their “place” and stay, waiting to exit doors and vehicles, along with grooming and housebreaking techniques and skills. Excellent for puppies over 9 months and older dogs who have had little training. 

Class Orientation the first week is without dogs.

Class runs 8 weeks (1 class a week for 8 weeks)

Price Non-Members: $165/Members: $132 (includes PayPal fee)

Students new to ODTC classes register for Beginner here.  Registration will open on April 1st

Returning ODTC students register for Beginner here.  Registration will open on April 1st

Puppy Level II
Beginner (6 mon. & up)

The Classes Below Require Completion of ODTC

Puppy and/or Beginner classes

Pet Tricks
Open Plus
CGC/Fit Dog
V1 Foundations

Beginner Plus

Prerequisite: Puppy Level I & Puppy Level II and/or Beginner (9 months & up)

Available class times: Wednesday @ 7:00 pm | Thursday @ 7:00 pm

This class is designed to teach perfect crate manners, good recall skills, self-control, body awareness and self-confidence to young puppies and older beginners with little training. The first four weeks of class will cover the "Crate Games" series developed by Susan Garrett.

Each handler will be required to bring a wire or airline crate (hard-sided only) to class each week. The crate MUST be large enough for the dog to enter in and to sit upright WITHOUT HITTING HIS/HER HEAD OR EARS.

The second four weeks of the class will provide rear-end awareness, swish poles, backing up and downs, tug games, spins and twirls and other foundation games that can be used for competition obedience, as independent games, and as a way to help burn off some of your dog's pent up energy. Learn how to interact with your puppy in a fun way that helps him/her use their brains in a positive way.


Price Non-Members: $165/Members: $132 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for Beginner Plus will open on April 1st

Beginner Pet Tricks/Canine Good Citizen &

Advanced Pet Tricks

Prerequisite: Beginner Plus

Available class times: Beginner Tuesday @ 7:00 pm | Advanced Tuesday @ 8:15 pm

Beginner/CGC:  This class will focus on all the AKC skills requirements for the Canine Good Citizen test including walking nicely on a leash, staying with a stranger, accepting approach of stranger.  Along with this we will work on all requirements for the AKC Novice Pet Tricks title.  The goal is to have the dog/handler teams ready to test for two titles at the end of the session.

Advanced: Are you hooked on Tricks and want to continue? This class will use the foundations you have learned to use props and learn tricks like pushing a shopping cart, skateboarding, targeting, or fetching the mail. Your dog will learn to follow directions and stay on task while having fun while you learn to become a better trainer and use your imagination to create tricks.

Price Non-Members: $165/Members: $132 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for Pet Tricks will open on April 1st

Advanced Canine Good Citizen/AKC Fit Dog

Urban Canine Good Citizen/Fit Dog II

Prerequisite: Urban GCG/Fit Dog II students must have CGCA title and taken Fit Dog course.

Available class times: Fit Dog I/CGCA Thursday @ 7:00 pm & Fit Dog II & CGCU Thursday @ 8:15 pm

The CGCA/Fit Dog I class is designed to prep owners and their dogs for the Advanced Canine Good Citizen test given on the final day of class. Students will be instructed on responsible dog ownership, the importance of canine conditioning and fitness, and how to perform each CGCA exercise and the requirements to pass the test.  Students will also complete the requirements for the AKC Fit Dog title.


The CGCU/Fit Dog II class will incorporate AKC Fit Dog lI fitness exercises that complement the Urban Canine Good Citizen skills, building on exercises already mastered from Fit Dog Level 1 class. Students will have the opportunity to test for both an AKC Fit Dog Silver title and the Urban Canine Good Citizen title


Dogs should already have basic obedience including: sit, down, stand, loose leash walking, tuck sit, kick back stand, fold back down, front & rear paw targeting, stay & recall.  Dogs should not be reactive to people, other dogs, or have separation anxiety.

Price Non-Members: $165/Members: $132 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for FIT Dog/CGC will open on April 1st

V1 Foundations

Prerequisite: Beginner Plus & Pet Tricks class. Dog must be able to work in a busy class environment.

Available times: Tuesday @ 8:15 pm  |  Wednesday @ 7:00 pm 

This class is geared for those planning to compete in obedience and rally .  This is a Competition Obedience Class with positive motivational training which offers all the foundation exercises for obedience competition including recalls, quick fronts with chairs and treats, introduces the front box and swish poles, the broad jump, the pop-up stand for examination, standing cookie tosses & recalls, directed retrieve using plates, finishes, puppy/beginner jumps, introduction to hand signals, and begins formal heeling training with introduction to the figure eight, about turns, right turns, and left turns. Beginner sits & downs are included.  


This class is ongoing and students should plan to take a minimum of 4 sessions until the dog/handler team has a solid foundation for all of the exercises.  Students will be prepared to show in the Beginner Novice Class, Novice Class and have full foundations for the Open Class.

Price Non-Members: $149.50/Members: $124 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for V1 Foundations will open on April 1st

NOTE: This class currently has a waiting list.  Do not register for V1 unless you are a current V1 student or have the permission of the Training Director.

Rally (Intro, Intermediate, & Coursework)

Prerequisite: Beginner and CGC (or approval from the Training Director)

Rally classes do NOT teach basic obedience foundation work.

All students must bring a crate to the class with them.

Available Times: 

Intro Thursday @ 7:00 pm

Intermediate & Coursework Monday @ 7:00 pm (6 week long course)

Intro: This course is the next step for dogs who have  completed CGC, walk nicely on a leash and understand sit and down? This class will introduce the Rally signs and how to execute them both individually and in short sequences. 8 week session.

Intermediate: This class focuses on the development of teamwork using short course sequences and practice of individual signs. Most signs will be novice/advanced as the focus is teamwork. Excellent/Master signs introduced as appropriate. Please note that this is a 6 week session.

Coursework: This class offers guided practice with a mentor and different combinations of skill sets and signs. New courses and combinations are practiced each week. 6-week session.


Intro to Rally Non-Members: $139.50/Members: $113.50 (includes PayPal fee)

Intermediate Non-Members: $105.50/Members: $84.50 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for Rally Classes will open on April 1st

Rally students new to ODTC who have not taken Beginner and CGC classes at ODTC must have the Training Director's approval and use the New Student Registration Form.

Open Plus

Prerequisite: Dog must have taken the V1 Foundations program and been recommended for move up to Open Plus OR be ready to show in the Open Ring and demonstrate knowledge of the Open Exercises.

Available Class times: Wednesday @ 8:15 pm | Thursday @ 11:45 am

Open Plus is for dog and handler teams that have completed the V1 foundations program OR who are currently showing in Open and preparing to show in the Open Class. This class will work on smoothing out the exercises and flow of the Open class, improving performances and adding distraction training. Open Plus will also introduce all of the Utility Class exercises so that students will learn scent articles, directed retrieve, moving stand, signal heelwork, and directed jumping.
Limited to 8 student teams. Wednesday @ 8:15

Price Non-Members: $149.50/Members: $124 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for Open Plus will open on April 1st

UDX (Open & Prep for Title)

*Prerequisite: Dogs must have CDX or be currently showing/training at the Open Level and have foundation Utility skills.

**Available Class times: Tuesday @ 7:00 pm 

This class will have a primary focus on the utility exercises, but will maintain the Open skills also and is geared for those already showing in or, or having obtained a CDX title in AKC. Teams will work on ring entry skills, maintaining performance levels, keeping drive alive along with the regular AKC exercises.


Price Non-Members: $149.50/Members: $124 (includes PayPal fee)

Registration for UDX will open on April 1st


Therapy Dog Class

Prerequisite: CGC (Canine Good Citizen) required plus a recommendation from our CGC instructor or the Training Director.

**Available class time: Thursday @ 10:00 AM

This class will teach you the necessary skills to facilitate animal assisted therapy under the direction of a health care or human services professional.  It will assess your dog's willingness to offer affection, hope, comfort and  joy while meeting people.  The candidate teams must pass an assessment at the conclusion of the class. This class meets the Intermountain Therapy Animals' handler education requirements to become an licensed, insured team.  

$118 (includes $44 dollar training manual and Pay Pal fee)

Registration for Therapy Dog will open on April 1st

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