ODTC Membership
There are three types of membership available. While membership is to be unrestricted as to residence, the Club's primary purpose is to be representative of the breeders and exhibitors in the greater Orlando area.
Application for an Annual Membership is open to all persons 18 years of age or older who are in good standing with the AKC and who subscribe to the purposes of the club.
Application for Junior Membership is open to all persons 10 years of age and including 17 years of age, who are in good standing with the AKC and who subscribe to the purposes of the club. Junior members may not vote as a Member of the Club and may not hold any office in the Club. Junior members may automatically convert their membership to an Annual Membership upon reaching the age of 18 years of age and otherwise meeting the requirements of Annual Membership.
Honorary Membership is a non-voting membership which may be conferred on persons deemed worthy by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and ratified by the Membership. Honorary members may vote as a member of the Club upon payment of Annual Membership dues.
A new applicant for membership into the Orlando Dog Training Club shall attend two (2) monthly meetings and shall apply on a form as approved by the Board of Directors. Appropriate fees shall accompany the application but will not be processed until membership has been approved.
Membership applications will be submitted for review by the Board after one of the following:
Applicant has attended two obedience training sessions at ODTC in the preceding six months, has volunteered at one ODTC event and has attended two general meetings OR
Applicant has attended one obedience training session at ODTC in the preceding six months, and is currently enrolled for a second session, has volunteered at one ODTC event and has attended two general meetings, OR
Applicant has attended one obedience training session at ODTC in the past six months and volunteered at two ODTC events and attended two general meetings.
Prospective members will be voted upon at the 3rd meeting that they attend.
In order to receive a member discount for classes, ring rentals and special events, members must participate in the upkeep of the club and club events. This includes a minimum of attending:​
​Three meetings, and
Three cleaning sessions, and
Stewarding at three trials a year
The following may be substituted for #2 and #3 above:
Pre-trial set up for each trial weekend.
Post-trial tear down for each trial weekend
An obedience training session is defined as an 8-week class.
Volunteering at an ODTC event is defined as one complete (full) day of Stewarding at a trial/match, assistant instructor for an 8 week class or match chairperson. Other volunteering duties will be considered at the discretion of the Board.